Bangerz- Miley Cyrus

Miley Album


No matter what Miley Cyrus controversy you may have heard, she is talented. Her newest album, “Bangerz“, has a nice pop and Rhythm and Blues feel. She delivers in her music, Mike Will, Pharrell, and other people have produced this album and they have done such a phenomenal job. Listening to her album and watching the videos of the songs are different extremes. In my opinion, some of her songs have all of her heart in it while the others are her on a fun day. Overall, the album is a great one.

Boomerang- Lyfe Jennings

Lyfe Jennings AlbumLyfe Jennings Pic

If anyone is as young as 20 years old, as I am, you know who Lyfe Jennings is. He was really my first Rhythm and Blues love during my generation. One of his first successful songs was “S.E.X.“; this song just says it all. He basically gives women power and energy to say “No, I want to wait” regardless of what the guy says. I can sincerely say that every single song that Lyfe Jennings sings, produces and performs, has a message that every single person can take from. One of his newer songs, off of his new album is called “Boomerang“. He never fails to disappoint.



Control Pic


Big Sean, Kendrick Lamar and Jay Electronica made music history with the song “Control”. More specifically Kendrick Lamar made music history with his verse. I thing the main thing that got people talking, is the fact that he named names of current artist telling them to step up their game. The responses followed came back strong. In my personal opinion, this is was Rap and Hip Hop needed. These two genres of music have sunk to the bottom in regards to quality and I’m glad that he shook people up.

good. kid. maad. city.- Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick LamarKendrick Lamer Pic


Kendrick Lamar is the man! Although this album has been out for about six months, he is still making music news. His songs are still hot on radio and his album is still in the top 50 on Google Play. “good. kid. maad. city.” I was recently watching the  Arsenio Hall show and he was interviewing Kendrick Lamar. Not only did Hall praise Lamar on his success, he said that he still listens to his album. Much props to Kendrick Lamar. His album takes you on a journey through Compton, everything that he has experienced and seen.

Born Sinner- J Cole

J Cole PicJ Cole

Wow, J Cole is one of the most influential and best Rap artist out today. After listening to his album “Born Sinner”, for one I understood and felt emotionally everything that he said. Not only did he speak on the truth, he didn’t call a woman out of her name, every other word was not about money sex, drugs, power. He spoke the truth, put his heart into this album and successfully gave people true Rap music.